AlphaGo2.0版已自我學(xué)習(xí) 目標(biāo)用于科學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)域

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 時(shí)間:2017-05-24 17:10:29

AlphaGo2.0版已自我學(xué)習(xí) 目標(biāo)用于科學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)域


高清:柯潔對陣AlphaGo 眉頭緊鎖思考戰(zhàn)術(shù)


  Q: 這次的AlphaGo是純凈版的AlphaGo嗎?也就是說,它是否是完全不依賴人類大師的棋譜來自我學(xué)習(xí)的?

  Demis Hassabis: I’m not sure if I understand the question correctly, but… You know… obviously the version… AlphaGo initially learns from human games, and then…most of its learning now is from its own play against itself. So…but of course to truly test what it knows, we have to play against human experts, because we don't know playing the game against itself is not going to expose its weaknesses, because it will obviously fix those during the self-play. So we really have to test it against the world’s best players.


  David Silver: Perhaps I could just add to that. One of the innovations of AlphaGo-Master, is that it actually relies much more on learning from itself. So in this version, AlphaGo has actually become its own teacher, learning from moves which are taken from examples of its own searches, that relies much less actually on human data than previous versions. And one of our goals in doing so is to make it more and more general so that its principal can be applied to other domains beyond Go.



  David Silver: So maybe I can answer the first part to that question, regarding the technology inside AlphaGo. So AlphaGo-Master is a new version of AlphaGo, and we worked very hard to improve the fundamental algorithm that is used in AlphaGo. In fact, it turns out that the algorithm often matters more than the amount of data, or the amount of compute that actually goes into it. And if you get the algorithms right to make them general and powerful enough, then they can really progress very rapidly. So in fact in AlphaGo-Master, actually uses 10 times less computation, and is trained in match in weeks rather than months, compare to the version that played against Lee Sedol last year. So it is a different version, and is at least in self-play performance considerably stronger. And we are here to find out if indeed it’s stronger as it seems in self-play, or if it has weaknesses that can be exposed.


  Demis Hassabis: And as far as the second part of the question, I’ll just answer that. And later on in the event we will be announcing the next steps for AlphaGo. So I don't want to say anything in advance of that, but we will be talking about that later in the week. But one thing I want to say is that, just like with the last version of AlphaGo where we published all the technical details and results of the AlphaGo program in the Nature article, in the scientific journal Nature. And we published all the details and that allowed other companies, you know… Tencent and Japanese companies, to make their own versions of AlphaGo, and some of them are very strong now as well, I’m sure you all know, playing online, probably 9 Dan level. And we plan to publish more details of the new version of AlphaGo in the next few months. So we will review those technical details, and then again other teams and academic labs will be able to implement their versions of this AlphaGo-Master architecture.


  Q: 當(dāng)越來越多頂尖棋手不愿意和AlphaGo對弈時(shí),我們是否會(huì)考慮到用AlphaGo和AlphaGo對弈?

  Demis Hassabis: We want to use AlphaGo, as I said, as a tool for the Go community to improve their knowledge about the game. We hope to, you know, release some details about the architecture we are using, maybe also some of the games that AlphaGo plays against itself. So we maybe will make some announcement about this later in the week. But don't forget, the reason, ultimately, we are developing these technologies is also to use them more widely in areas of science and medicine, and to try and help human experts in those areas. So we have lot of work ahead of us in the coming years.



·人機(jī)大戰(zhàn)首局柯潔執(zhí)黑先行 在傳統(tǒng)開局中求變化·AlphaGo中盤階段顯示實(shí)力 柯潔遇考驗(yàn)陷入長考·AlphaGo大局清晰占主動(dòng) 柯潔孤注一擲圖謀大龍·柯潔官子階段苦覓逆轉(zhuǎn)良機(jī) AlphaGo144手略意外


·黨毅飛、范蔚菁解析人機(jī)大戰(zhàn) 柯潔 VS AlphaGo(1) ·黨毅飛、范蔚菁解析人機(jī)大戰(zhàn) 柯潔 VS AlphaGo(2) ·黨毅飛、范蔚菁解析人機(jī)大戰(zhàn) 柯潔 VS AlphaGo(3) ·黨毅飛、范蔚菁解析人機(jī)大戰(zhàn) 柯潔 VS AlphaGo(4) ·黨毅飛、范蔚菁解析人機(jī)大戰(zhàn) 柯潔 VS AlphaGo(5) ·黨毅飛、范蔚菁解析人機(jī)大戰(zhàn) 柯潔 VS AlphaGo(6) true 搜狐體育 report 6925 5月23日,當(dāng)今世界圍棋第一人柯潔九,23日下午在這里執(zhí)黑289手以四分之一子的微弱劣勢負(fù)于計(jì)算機(jī)圍棋程序"阿爾法圍棋",在圍棋"人機(jī)大戰(zhàn)"三番棋中以0:1落后



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